"Those who say they understand chess, understand nothing" -- Robert HUBNER

Alan Perkins Simultaneous Display

: Created:15 Sep 2016 , by Alastair Johnstone

Trevor Bates writes:

Alan Perkins took on eleven opponents simultaneously at the Ealing Chess Club on the evening of 12th September.

He drew for colours with each opponent and consequently had eight games with the White pieces and three with Black. Alan allowed one pass if an opponent needed a bit more thinking time.

His first win came after 20 moves when he was about to checkmate his opponent. More wins then followed until, on move 30, he agreed a Draw with John Harvey in a very complicated position. At 10.45 pm, after three hours play, time was called (at move 44) when three games remained outstanding. Two were decided in Alan's favour. The game with Jason Obihara was reduced to an endgame with four pawns against three and, although Alan had the extra material and a better position, it was difficult to demonstrate a clear win so he conceded the Draw.

So, a successful night for our top-player who scored +9 =2 -0, (a very impressive 91%), and eleven excellent games enjoyed by his opponents.